Video shows dogs attack sheep and lamb before they drown in Derbyshire reservoir, as police issue appeal

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Police have shared a video in a bid to trace a woman who was seen walking five dogs near a reservoir in Derbyshire where a number of sheep were killed.

The incident happened at a popular dog walking spot on the east side of Howden Dam in Bamford just before 4pm on June 19.

The incident saw dogs chasing and attacking a sheep and a lamb resulting in them running into the reservoir to get away from the attack where they both drowned. (Image: Derbyshire Rural Crime Team)The incident saw dogs chasing and attacking a sheep and a lamb resulting in them running into the reservoir to get away from the attack where they both drowned. (Image: Derbyshire Rural Crime Team)
The incident saw dogs chasing and attacking a sheep and a lamb resulting in them running into the reservoir to get away from the attack where they both drowned. (Image: Derbyshire Rural Crime Team)

The woman with a small toddler was seen walking five dogs, which were not on leads.

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A witness said one of the dogs seemed to be a sausage dog.

Some of the dogs chased and attacked a sheep and a lamb resulting in them running into the reservoir to get away from the attack where they both drowned.

Derbyshire Rural Crime Team have now shared a video as they launched an appeal to trace the dog walker.

Anyone who knows who the woman is or has any information regarding this incident is urged to contact Derbyshire police quoting reference 24/363748.