Dog led to arrest of man with machete and detained man in Sheffield woodland

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A dog helped track down two men in woodland who were fleeing from police, and helped in the arrests of two more, in a matter of weeks.

Police dog Louis, a general purpose dog for South Yorkshire Police, followed the scent of a number of wanted individuals between May 28 and June 15.

On June 15, the dog and his handler attended Reney Walk, Greenhill, Sheffield, following reports of a man in possession of a machete making threats to damage vehicles and property.

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PD Louis tracked a scent from the scene and an 18-year-old man stopped at the sight of him and was arrested, stating he would have attempted to have run away, had the dog not been there.


Later in the same shift, PD Louis’ handler had to pursue the driver of a car believed to have been stolen and found the vehicle abandoned on the Parson Cross estate.

Suspects were spotted in the distance and tried to escape, but PD Louis was released and caught up with them.

The dog brought the 17-year-old boy to a half by grabbing his arm, and the boy was arrested on suspicion of dangerous driving and theft of a motor vehicle.

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On May 28, PD Louis and his handler attended Oates Close in Rotherham following reports that a wanted man had become violent to officers and fled.

PD LouisPD Louis
PD Louis

The dog tracked over a hundred metres, before taking his handler through sharp turns and into woodland.

The man was found in dense shrubbery and failed to comply, so PD Louis was released and detained the 26-year-old man by grabbing his leg.

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Just two days later, a man wanted on recall to prison fled from officers into woodland by Overend Road, Gleadless Valley, Sheffield.

PD Louis tracked several hundred metres, before taking a sharp turn behind a building and found the man was hiding in shrubbery at the base of a tree.

A spokesperson for South Yorkshire Police said: “Each month our General Purpose Dogs detain on average 30 suspects.

“These are arrests that would not be possible without the dog present. We are thankful for their support to our communities.”