Jack Pearson: Rotherham man banned from keeping animals for 10 years after RSPCA discovers emaciated dogs

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A Rotherham man who tethered his dogs outside in “filthy and cramped conditions” has been banned from keeping animals.

Jack Pearson, aged 22, of Leicester Road, Dinnington, failed to provide a suitable environment for his two lurchers, Sadie and Blaze, and hadn’t fed them properly in three months.

RSPCA inspector Kim Greaves visited Pearson’s home on October 23, 2023, after receiving reports there were two underweight dogs living outside the house in unsanitary conditions.

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In her written statement to Sheffield Magistrates Court, Insp Greaves said: “Both dogs were tethered at separate points outside. Blaze was visibly underweight, lethargic and had no access to a clean laying area as his kennel was damp and extremely dirty. He also appeared to have blood on the tip of his tail. 

Blaze, a four-year-old lurcher, was given a body conditions score of 1/9 by vets. His owner, Jack Pearson, has been banned from keeping animals for 10 years.Blaze, a four-year-old lurcher, was given a body conditions score of 1/9 by vets. His owner, Jack Pearson, has been banned from keeping animals for 10 years.
Blaze, a four-year-old lurcher, was given a body conditions score of 1/9 by vets. His owner, Jack Pearson, has been banned from keeping animals for 10 years. | RSPCA

“Sadie was brighter in her demeanour but due to her rough coat I was unable to tell her bodily condition. Her ‘kennel’ was a storage area with a door which was wide open to the elements and could not have been closed due to her tether being attached to the opposite fence.

“There was a black substance all over the floor which I could see on her legs and paws. Water was available but the receptacle was green with algae. 

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“The area was covered with faeces, to such an extent that both dogs were having to walk through it, there was no way for them to avoid doing so, and there was no evidence of any food. The area was a narrow walkway to the rear garden, it was very small to house two dogs of their size on a permanent basis. They had no access to the garden ‘proper’ as there was an accumulation of car parts and metal items blocking the pathway.”

The area that Blaze and Sadie were kept in behind the house in Rotherham.The area that Blaze and Sadie were kept in behind the house in Rotherham.
The area that Blaze and Sadie were kept in behind the house in Rotherham. | RSPCA

Pearson wasn’t home during the visit, but Insp Greaves photographed the dogs and contacted a vet who told her Blaze and Sadie were suffering, or were likely to suffer if their circumstances didn’t change.

Insp Greaves returned to the property with police later that day. Pearson had returned home and the concerns regarding the two lurchers were explained to him.

The court heard that Pearson said he had cleaned up outside and had given the dogs fresh bedding and water. He refuted they were thin and showed the inspector their food, before agreeing they could be taken for veterinary treatment.

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It is said both Sadie and Blaze were not fed properly for three months.It is said both Sadie and Blaze were not fed properly for three months.
It is said both Sadie and Blaze were not fed properly for three months. | RSPCA

Four-year-old Blaze weighed 23.8kg and was given a body condition score of 1/9 by the vet who examined him. He had pressure sores on his elbows and hipbones, a split tail - which was bleeding profusely - and a cut on one of his back paws. Blaze’s tail could not be saved and was amputated the following month.

One-year-old Sadie was covered in a black substance compatible with either engine oil or black paint. She too had pressure sores, a split tail and weighed 20.2kg (44.5 pounds) with a body condition score of 2/9.

Both dogs were started on a course of antibiotics and pain relief and given flea and worming treatment.

The small space one of the lurchers had as shelter behind the house in Rotherham.The small space one of the lurchers had as shelter behind the house in Rotherham.
The small space one of the lurchers had as shelter behind the house in Rotherham. | RSPCA

In her written evidence the vet said: “It is my opinion that both dogs had suffered as a result of the owner’s failure to provide adequate housing, nutrition and medical veterinary attention for their split tails. Due to their low body condition scores and tail wounds, I would estimate the period of suffering being longer than three months due to inappropriate nutrition for a sustained period of time."

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Pearson pleaded guilty to two offences contrary to the Animal Welfare Act 2006 in May 2024.

At sentencing on June 13, 2024, he was given a 12 month community order, with a requirement to carry out 120 hours of unpaid work and 15 rehabiltation activity requirement days, and told to pay costs of £400 and a victim surcharge of £114. He was also banned from keeping animals for 10 years.

He will not be able to contest his ban for five years.

With the correct feeding both the lurchers gained weight well. At a follow up check on January 24, Blaze weighed 29.3kg (64.5 pounds) and Sadie was 22.5kg (49.6 pounds). The lurchers have been looked after at the RSPCA’s Doncaster, Rotherham and District Branch rehoming centre in Bawtry, where the vet said their quality of life had ‘greatly improved.’ 

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A deprivation order imposed by the court means the centre will now be able to start the process of finding them loving new homes.

Speaking after the conclusion of the case Insp Greaves said: “Blaze and Sadie were living a miserable existence on the end of a tether in dirty, damp and cramped ‘kennels’ which offered them little protection from the elements. The conditions were totally unsuitable for dogs and their health and wellbeing suffered as a result.

“They’ve made fantastic progress at our branch-run animal centre in Bawtry, the staff there have done a fantastic job, and they now have a much brighter and happier future ahead of them.”