We asked what Sheffield's police should prioritise - and the public are all saying the same thing

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Sheffield has a new district police chief - and residents are all saying the same thing about what he should make the top priority.

Chief Superintendent Jamie Henderson has taken over from Assistant Chief Constable Lindsey Butterfield following her promotion to the South Yorkshire Police senior command team.

He has said that serious organised crime and city centre policing are to be priorities.

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The Star asked readers where they wanted to see police resources prioritised - and there was a common theme to many of the answers.

We posed the question on our social media pages: "Where do you want police resources to be appointed - what local issues do you think are the most important for the police to tackle?"

Roz Chadbourne summed up what many said when she said: "Walking on our streets all over Sheffield."

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Police on patrol in Sheffield city centre. Photo: David Kessen, National WorldPolice on patrol in Sheffield city centre. Photo: David Kessen, National World
Police on patrol in Sheffield city centre. Photo: David Kessen, National World | National World

Carmen Claire agreed. She said: "On the beat around neighbourhoods to actually see what's going on."

James Hobson said: "Go back to the police boxes and the police walking the beats.”

David Carey added: “Walking around areas in twos.”

Ed Rog Mal said: “Walking around areas. Being proactive not just responding.”

Steve Bloomer: “On the beat not in cars.”

Tony Mcvann: “Back walking the streets!”

Kathleen Hassanali added: ”It would be good if they were put back on foot.just like they were when I was young.”

Others said they thought officers needed to be everywhere.

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Adele Jones said: Everywhere! There's not one place without issue where they're needed.”

Kamran Qureshi agreed, adding: "Actually, they need to be everywhere."

Others said they needed to be responding to 999 calls.

On his appointment, Ch Supt Henderson said last week: “I have an outstanding team here already and I intend to use my established links with our wider force resources to enhance the service we deliver to the people who live, work and socialise in our city.

“We have worked tirelessly to develop great relationships with our communities and partners, but there is more that we can do to understand what matters to them and where our challenges are..

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“I want problem-solving to be at the forefront of our delivery, with officers working closely with partner agencies to identify the areas where we can have the biggest impact and make Sheffield a safer place."

He has said tackling city centre issues will be "front and centre" of policing in the district, as he also vows to continue to bring those involved in serious and organised crime to justice.