Geoffrey Hurt: Sheffield man bit girl, 13, in intimate areas before sending her sexual messages

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“You have an unhealthy interest in young girls”

A Sheffield man who bit a 13-year-old girl in intimate areas, before going on to send her messages in which he effectively ‘asked her to have sex with him’ is beginning a prison sentence today. 

Geoffrey Hurt claimed he had entered into a ‘play fight’ with the girl, and denied ever sending her messages; but jurors rejected his account when they found him guilty of three sex offences at the conclusion of a Sheffield Crown Court trial. 

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Sending him to prison today (June 6, 2024), Judge David Dixon told 38-year-old Hurt: “A man who is interested in biting young girls in a sexual way, as the jury found you had, is clearly a worry.”

Sending him to prison today (June 6, 2024), Judge David Dixon told 38-year-old Geoffrey Hurt: “A man who is interested in biting young girls in a sexual way, as the jury found you had, is clearly a worry.”Sending him to prison today (June 6, 2024), Judge David Dixon told 38-year-old Geoffrey Hurt: “A man who is interested in biting young girls in a sexual way, as the jury found you had, is clearly a worry.”
Sending him to prison today (June 6, 2024), Judge David Dixon told 38-year-old Geoffrey Hurt: “A man who is interested in biting young girls in a sexual way, as the jury found you had, is clearly a worry.” | Submit

He added: “The jury accepted it wasn’t a play fight.”

The court heard how during the course of the incident, Hurt, of Batemoor Place, Batemoor, Sheffield, bit the girl on two different intimate areas of her body.

Judge Dixon said it was ‘difficult to understand’ what ‘kink’ and ‘fetish’ Hurt had.

He continued: “After being involved in sexual biting, you then sent messages that were beyond flirtatious, they were simply inappropriate. 

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“You were asking if she could send photos, and therefore you were soliciting images,” continued Judge Dixon. 

Judge Dixon also detailed how Hurt sent her a message, which further proved his ‘attraction’ to one of the intimate areas he had bitten, before branding her a ‘tease’. 

“You asked her if she would ever go with an older man…while you said you didn’t mean you, you clearly did. You had a sexual interest in her, that’s what this has all been about.”

“Those messages, those inappropriate sexual remarks, you were in effect asking her to have sex with you. While that’s not what was explicitly said, that’s clearly the implication you were putting forward.” 

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Judge Dixon said Hurt had sought to blame others and claimed the allegations had arisen out of ‘fabrications’. 

Hurt also claimed not to have visited web links with sexual activity involving children, the court heard.

“Given the timing of some of those activities, on your own account of what happened that simply couldn’t be true. 

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“It’s you that searched those materials, it’s you that has the sexual interest in children.”

The complainant, who cannot be named for legal reasons, chose not to submit a victim personal statement to the court, prosecutor, Andrew Petterson, told the court. 

Jurors convicted Hurt of two counts of an offender aged 18 or over engaging in non penetrative sexual activity with girl aged 13 to 15, and one count of engaging in sexual communication with a child. 

Hurt was also accused of allegations relating to a second girl, but jurors acquitted him of the sexual offences he faced in relation to her. 

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Judge Dixon noted Hunt has a previous conviction for sexual assault dating back 12 years, which he said he regarded as an aggravating factor. 

Defending, Camille Morland said Hurt accepts that he ‘crossed some boundaries’ in relation to the complainant.

Ms Morland continued: “He’s someone who’s had somewhat of a complex background. He was in the army very early, and he’s somebody who has crossed boundaries before with his previous conviction for sexual assault on an adult female.”

Suggesting Hurt would ‘benefit’ from being kept in the community, instead of a custodial sentence, Ms Morland continued: “He’s someone who would benefit from rehabilitation work to tackle why he has crossed these boundaries.”

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Ms Morland told the court that Hurt is in a relationship with a woman, without children, who resides in Hampshire, and his intention is to join her there. 

Sending Hurt to begin a 18-month prison sentence, Judge Dixon told him: “You have an unhealthy interest in young girls.” 

Judge Dixon said that Hurt’s continued denials, in addition to his ‘lies to the jury,’ had led him to believe Hurt does not have a realistic prospect of rehabilitation. 

Geoffrey Hurt was also made the subject of a 10-year sexual harm prevention order, a condition of which prohibits contact with girls under the age of 18. He was also told he must register as a sex offender. Geoffrey Hurt was also made the subject of a 10-year sexual harm prevention order, a condition of which prohibits contact with girls under the age of 18. He was also told he must register as a sex offender. 
Geoffrey Hurt was also made the subject of a 10-year sexual harm prevention order, a condition of which prohibits contact with girls under the age of 18. He was also told he must register as a sex offender.  | SYP

He said that, coupled with the seriousness of his offending, meant that only a custodial sentence could be justified. 

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Hurt was also made the subject of a 10-year sexual harm prevention order, a condition of which prohibits contact with girls under the age of 18. He was also told he must register as a sex offender. 

Judge Dixon also granted restraining orders, which prohibit him from contacting both accusers for a period of 10 years.