Zoe Rider, Nicola Lethbridge: 'Brave' community members helped detectives bring Sheffield killers to justice

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“I would like to thank those who showed bravery, taking a stand against criminals and providing evidence in the case.”

A senior detective has praised ‘brave’ members of a Sheffield community for the role they played in helping to bring two killers to justice.

Yesterday (June 5, 2024), Zoe Rider, aged 36, and 45-year-old Nicola Lethbridge were jailed for life, each to serve a minimum of 26 years, for the ‘sadistic’ and ‘callous’ murder and robbery of 60-year-old Stephen Koszyczarski in August last year.

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Detective Chief Inspector Thomas Woodward, who was the the senior investigating officer on the case, has paid tribute to members of the community for their role in the investigation.

Detective Chief Inspector Thomas Woodward (right), who was the the senior investigating officer on the case, has paid tribute to members of the community for their role in the investigation, which helped to secure the convictions of Zoe Rider (top left) and Nicola Lethbridge (bottom left)Detective Chief Inspector Thomas Woodward (right), who was the the senior investigating officer on the case, has paid tribute to members of the community for their role in the investigation, which helped to secure the convictions of Zoe Rider (top left) and Nicola Lethbridge (bottom left)
Detective Chief Inspector Thomas Woodward (right), who was the the senior investigating officer on the case, has paid tribute to members of the community for their role in the investigation, which helped to secure the convictions of Zoe Rider (top left) and Nicola Lethbridge (bottom left) | Adobe/SYP/Sarah Marshall for National World

He said: “The community has been a huge support throughout our investigation, and I would like to thank those who showed bravery, taking a stand against criminals and providing evidence in the case.

“The support of the public, along with the hardworking officers on my team, police colleagues, and the prosecution team have ensured justice for Stephen.”

Rider and Lethbridge both lived in the same block of flats as Stephen on Fraser Drive in Woodseats, with Lethbridge living on the same floor as him, and Rider living on the top floor. 

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As she sentenced the killer neighbours, Judge Sarah Wright told them: “On the 9th of August last year you were both clearly fuelled by drugs and probably alcohol. Having heard the evidence in the case I have absolutely no doubt that you went into Stephen’s flat together in order to threaten, attack and rob him, no doubt to finance further drug taking.”

She continued: “You invaded his home, intent on helping yourself to his property by threatening and using violence against him. You set about him in the most brutal, heartless and despicable manner. You launched a vicious and extremely violent joint attack upon him. You exposed his genitals, threatened to mutilate him and shouted obscenities at him.”

It took the jury of eight women and four men, six of whom returned to see them sentenced, just one hour to find Rider and Lethbridge guilty of murder and robbery.

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Following their conviction at the conclusion of the trial last month, DCI Woodward said good ‘old fashioned’ police work, alongside in depth forensic and mobile phone analysis led to the pair being charged with, and ultimately convicted of, Stephen’s murder. He continued: “Stephen was described as a quiet man. Although he had a close circle of friends, he kept himself to himself and just went about his business. His death was truly callous.

“Miss Lethbridge and Miss Rider, who were the neighbours of Stephen at the time, bullied, intimidated, and attacked him in his own home in the most humiliating way, whilst filming the attack.

“During the attack they were wrongly accusing Stephen of being a paedophile which was simply not the case. They also stole items of property from him and left him in his flat alone and seriously injured.

“Stephen managed to raise help and an ambulance was called. The violent actions of these two individuals caused Stephen to later die of serious head injuries while in hospital.

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“Although the guilty verdicts bring comfort that justice has been served, this remains a sad day because it is another reminder for everyone how violence can end a life too soon, which impacts greatly on all those involved, and leaves family and friends with pain and holes in their lives.”