"I spent my teenage years working like a dog to save for my car - I felt numb watching it get stolen"

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A teenager, who juggled minimum wage jobs through college to save up for his dream car, says he feels “weak and numb” after seeing footage of it being stolen last night (June 25).

Jammy Kay, aged 18, has shared photos of the car and CCTV footage of the incident, and is offering all his savings as a reward to get his car back.

CCTV footage shows two masked people drive off in the navy Volkswagen Golf R, from Pitsmoor in Burngreave, at 11.15pm.

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Jammy, who only bought his car three months ago, said: “I sacrificed so much of my personal life, worked long hours and saved every penny I could to get that car.

“Last night, I heard the alarm go off, and heard my engine noise. When I went outside and looked around I was so confused, and then I looked at the cameras and saw what had happened.

The car was taken from Pitsmoor.The car was taken from Pitsmoor.
The car was taken from Pitsmoor. | Jammy

“I feel violated, honestly. I worked so hard for that car. When I saw it, I felt numb and I felt weak. I can’t describe it. I know it is real, but I feel like it isn’t.

“I spent years working like a dog, just for it to get stolen.”

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He said: “I was over the moon to get my dream car at 18, I can’t even explain that feeling, but my sense of accomplishment was shattered last night.

“The incident has left me feeling vulnerable - the stress and sadness it has caused is overwhelming.

“It represented more than just material value, it was a testament to my journey and hard work.”

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His siblings were driving around Sheffield searching for it until around 4am this morning (June 6).

He hopes that, if enough people see the photos and video of the car, it will prevent anyone from selling it on.

The incident has been reported to South Yorkshire Police. Anyone with information should contact police online, or by calling 101.