Rotherham candidates on why you should vote for them in the General Election

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Voters in Rotherham will take to the polls on July 4, to select their local MP and have their say in who forms the upcoming government.

The constituency has had a Labour MP since 1933, and the seat has been held by Sarah Champion since 2012.

Ms Champion will be defending her seat against six other candidates – from Reform, the Liberal Democrats the Green Party, the Yorkshire Party, the Workers Party and an Independent.

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The latest polling for the general election predicts a Labour hold for Rotherham, with more than 50 per cent of the vote.

Clockwise: Sarah Champion, Adam Carter, David Atkinson, Tony Mabbott, Ishtiaq Ahmad.Clockwise: Sarah Champion, Adam Carter, David Atkinson, Tony Mabbott, Ishtiaq Ahmad.
Clockwise: Sarah Champion, Adam Carter, David Atkinson, Tony Mabbott, Ishtiaq Ahmad.

Since Nigel Farage became leader of Reform UK, the party has seen a rise in the polls – and is now predicted to beat the Conservatives to second place, with 30 per cent of the vote.

The Conservatives are not standing a candidate in the constituency, but polling shows there are still 10 per cent of the electorate who would vote for them,

The polls also predict that the Conservatives will take 10 per cent of the vote, the Liberal Democrats five per cent, and the Greens four per cent.

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Here, each candidate for Rotherham tells the electorate why they deserve your vote.

Sarah Champion – Labour

“I’ve delivered Rotherham for the last 12 years. Those years haven’t always been easy, but I have fought with everything I have to build a better future for the people I serve.

“I have a proven track record of success on the issues that matter to Rotherham. I have changed the law to get justice for victims and tougher action on criminals. I got the Government to U-turn on deadly ‘smart’ motorways. I’ve championed local businesses and campaigned to improve our public services and local transport networks.

“Most importantly, I have always put Rotherham first. My overriding duty has always been to my constituents. I listen to their concerns and work hard to be a strong voice for them in Westminster.

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“Rotherham has suffered greatly in the last 14 years. Conservative cuts have caused untold damage. But a Labour Government will rebuild. We have done it before, and we will do it again. But only a vote for me in Rotherham will secure the change we so desperately need.

“I hope you put your faith in me to be the passionate advocate our area needs, and that you deserve. With your vote, I will keep fighting for the constituency of Rotherham.”

John Paul Cronly – Reform

The candidate did not send a statement to the Local Democracy Reporting Service at the time of going to press, but the party’s manifesto, which has been called a contract by Nigel Farage, outlines plans to freeze ‘non-essential’ immigration and scrap net zero targets.

Other policies include tax cuts for small business, including a corporation tax-free allowance of £100,000 in profits and lifting the threshold when businesses have to be VAT registered to £150,000 from £90,000.

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Reform has also pledged to abolish business rates for small and medium-sized firms on the high street.

The party claims that £30bn could be saved per year by scrapping net zero targets.

Two of Reform UK’s pledges are on migration – Mr Farage said that this general election “should be the immigration election” when launching the manifesto.

Reform would freeze non-essential immigration, but concedes there would be exceptions with work in healthcare considered essential.

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It plans to ban students from bringing partners and children to the UK, and employers would have to pay 20 per cent National Insurance on foreign workers, compared to 13.8 per cent for British citizens, with exceptions for the health and social care sector and very small businesses.

On the issue of small boats smuggling migrants across the Channel, the party says it would “pick up illegal migrants out of boats and take them back to France”.

Ishtiaq Ahmad – Independent

“Esteemed Rotherham constituents, I, Ishtiaq Ahmad, present myself as your independent candidate for Member of Parliament. Since 2010, I’ve lived, studied, and worked in the UK, earning a Business Management degree and holding various security roles, including protecting Royal Family members.

“Relocating to Rotherham in 2018, I became deeply involved in community issues. As a business owner and taxi driver, I gained insight into local concerns, particularly child safeguarding. This drove my commitment to public service, leading me to contest local elections and advocate for residents with the council.

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“Currently a final-year law student, I serve as Rotherham Lead for the App Drivers and Courier Union, representing taxi drivers in council meetings. My recent council election campaign saw doubled support, reflecting growing trust from our community.

“I now stand for MP, believing Rotherham deserves better than traditional party politics. My diverse experience in business, community engagement, and ongoing legal education uniquely positions me to address our constituency’s challenges.

“As your potential MP, I pledge to be your tireless advocate in Westminster, prioritizing Rotherham‘s needs and ensuring every voice is heard. Together, we can forge a brighter future for our community.”

Adam Carter – Liberal Democrats

“Rotherham deserves a fair deal, after being taken for granted for far too long. It’s wrong, and that’s why I’m standing to be our town’s next MP.

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“I’ll be bold and ambitious for Rotherham. We need to make our town great again. To do that, we need to attract new people into our town centre, while recognising that society has moved on from the markets and cinemas of the last century.

“We need to tackle the housing crisis, with a community-led approach to building many houses. At the same time, we need to protect our green spaces and natural environment for future generations.

“I work as a GP on the frontline of the NHS. Waiting times are disgracefully long, and the social care system is badly letting people down. I’ll fight for more NHS doctors and dentists, so that you can see one when you need it. I’ll campaign to improve standards in social care, so that everyone can live independently in their own home and with dignity, for as long as possible.

“As a local councillor, I already have a track record of action, and as your MP I’ll be able to change even more for the better.”

David Atkinson – Yorkshire Party

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“Public spending in Yorkshire was £2,600 less per person than in London or Scotland in 2023 – that’s a shortfall of over £14 billion across Yorkshire.

“We are campaigning for a Yorkshire Parliament with guaranteed funding, as in Scotland and Wales.

“I support extending Supertram further. If London gets Crossrail and HS2, then surely Rotherham deserves rail upgrades, reliable buses and better roads with potholes fixed.

“We need to create jobs in local health, dental and social care.

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“Waiting hours for ambulances or in A&E is unacceptable – as are the huge shortages in dentistry, social care and children’s services.

“I support fighting crime with more frontline police – The safeguarding of our children must never fail again.

“Let’s rejuvenate derelict sites with greener homes. We need more homes to lower rents and prices, and all homes need solar panels and proper insulation to lower energy bills.

“Schools are critically underfunded, we must invest in our future and recruit more teachers.

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“I’ve lived in Rotherham for over 70 years, so I have witnessed the decline of our town. Vote for me and I will do everything in my power to make sure Rotherham gets its fair share of funding for health, education, transport and more besides.”

Taukir Iqbal – Workers Party

“My name is Taukir Iqbal and I am a prospective Member of Parliament for the Workers Party of Britain. I am deeply committed to the principles and values of our party, and I am dedicated to serving the people of our community.

“My political philosophy is rooted in the 10-point plan of the Workers Party of Britain. I believe in the importance of public ownership of key industries, the provision of decent housing for all, and the protection of our NHS. I am committed to fighting for workers’ rights, advocating for a living wage, and ensuring that everyone has access to quality education and training opportunities.

“In line with the manifesto of the Workers Party of Britain, I am dedicated to promoting peace and cooperation on the international stage, and I am opposed to imperialist wars and interventions.

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“I am Taukir Iqbal, and I am ready to represent you and fight for a fairer, more equitable society.”

Tony Mabbott – Green Party

“I am a local campaigner standing to become your MP. I live in Rotherham, have been a union organiser and an advice worker, and have seen at first hand the damage caused to those left behind by this Tory Government.

“I know that only a strong Green voice offers the change we all need. I will fight to protect our NHS, for cleaner rivers, and to ensure everyone in Rotherham gets a fair deal from the government.”