General election: Socialist campaign holds Sheffield eve-of-poll meeting

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A left-wing Sheffield political coalition is holding a public meeting on the eve of Thursday’s general election (July 4).

The meeting at 7pm on Wednesday night, called by the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC), has the title ‘Tories Out. Vote Socialist – because Starmer’s Labour doesn’t stand up for us’.”

The venue is the Central United Reformed Church on Norfolk Street in the city centre.

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Mick Suter, TUSC candidate for Sheffield Heeley, will outline the party’s anti-war, anti-austerity, socialist alternative to the establishment parties, and explain why if elected he will refuse the £91,000 MP’s annual salary and instead continue only to accept an average worker’s wage to live on.

Sheffield general election candidates for the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition, Mick Suter and Isabelle France. Picture: TUSCSheffield general election candidates for the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition, Mick Suter and Isabelle France. Picture: TUSC
Sheffield general election candidates for the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition, Mick Suter and Isabelle France. Picture: TUSC

The coalition’s local election agent Alistair Tice said: “To our knowledge, TUSC is the only party in Sheffield to hold public meetings during this general election campaign. Wednesday will be our third after public meetings in Walkley and Meersbrook.

“What are the establishment parties afraid of? They’ve left empty chairs at hustings and even had hustings cancelled because they refuse to debate. Whereas TUSC wants to talk to people about our radical policies to end the cost-of-living crisis, stop the wars, reverse climate change and oppose divisive racism, sexism and transphobia.”

TUSC is putting forward two candidates in Sheffield at the general election. Isabelle France is standing in the Sheffield Central constituency.

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She has also pledged to take an average wage rather than an MP’s full salary if elected.

In total, eight candidates are standing for election in Sheffield Central and the same number are contesting the Sheffield Heeley constituency.

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