Decision to ban ice cream vans trading near schools passed by cabinet

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A policy to ban ice cream vans from trading within 100 metres of schools has been approved by Barnsley Council’s cabinet.

Changes to street trading rules will now be taken to the next full council meeting on July 25, for all councillors to decide.

The changes mean mobile traders – such as ice cream vans – will not be allowed to remain in place for more than 20 minutes, and must not stop within 100m of the main entrance to schools, ‘without written consent’.

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Mobile traders will also be banned from Barnsley town centre, and businesses whose food hygiene rating falls below a three will have their street trading consent suspended.

Ice CreamIce Cream
Ice Cream

DBS checks will also be required by Barnsley Council, upon application for a street trading licence.

The new policy states: "Mobile traders must move from position to position remaining stationary for no longer than 20 minutes to initially attract customers.”

The plans were passed by cabinet on June 11.