Decision made on future of pub’s covered seating area next to recreation ground

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Almost 60 residents have written to Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council to support a pub’s application to keep its covered seating area, which has today been granted.

Bosses at the Ravenfield Arms on Hollings Lane will be allowed to retain the pub’s external covered seating area at the side of the building, extending its boundary into recreation land owned by RMBC.

RMBC’s planning board granted the application today, meaning that the seating area can stay.

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Chris Wilkins, planning officer at RMBC, described the shelter as a ‘lean-to structure’,

Ravenfield ArmsRavenfield Arms
Ravenfield Arms

Planners at RMBC say the outside area ‘appears to have been used as an external seating area for several years’, which contravenes a condition from 2003 when it was converted from a club to a pub.

The condition states that ‘none of the land outside the building shall be used as a drinking area or play area’.

Nine residents objected to the seating being retained, saying music could be heard from the pub, and the seating area ‘brings the noise closer’ to houses.

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Others cited ‘horrendous’ parking concerns, the breach of the pub’s original conditions, glass on the recreation ground, and one objector said that the seating area poses ‘a threat to the integrity and accessibility of the recreational area’.

Fifty-six letters of support were submitted, saying that the seating area provides a covered area for parents to watch their children play, and that the pub provides a ‘sense of community’ through its charity events.

One supporter said that the pub ‘is well run and maintained, causing little noise or disturbance to local residents’.

Planning officers say that although there has been some encroachment of the seating area into recreation land, it ‘appears to have occurred over 20 years ago’, and ‘cannot be enforced under planning legislation’.

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The applicant has agreed to remove steps from the seating area to the playing field, to ‘stop people wandering onto the public area with pint glasses,’ added Mr Wilkins.

All external seating areas can only be used between 10am and 9pm Mondays to Sundays.

Applicant Mr Kelly told the board he was ‘passionate about creating a bar with the community’s best interests at heart’.

He added that the behaviour of patrons on the terrace is monitored and managed by staff at all times, and that the seating area is ‘well used and appreciated by patrons and community groups’.

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“The proposals will not current issues on Hollings Lane,” he added.

Mrs Waters, a nearby resident, said in a statement: “The extension encroaches onto the local parish playing field beyond their own boundary.

“Imagine 80 people in your front garden.

“Hollings Lane and Wood Close are inundated with overflow car parking on a regular basis. Cars were double parked on both sides of Wood Close, severely restricting access. This is a major incident waiting to happen.”

A report from planning officers says that ‘whilst some car parking in the highway does occur at times, this can be tolerated in road safety terms as a result of the width of Hollings Lane’.

The plans were unanimously approved following a vote.