Almost 200 homes to be approved in Dodworth despite traffic concerns

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Almost 200 homes are set to be given the go-ahead next week – despite resident’s concerns about traffic and highway safety.

Avant Homes has lodged the application for 179 two- to four-bed houses on land off Smithywood Lane and Calver Close in Gilroyd.

The site is divided by Smithy Wood Lane, with 38 homes to the west and 141 homes to the east.

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Planning documents state that the land is currently used for silage, and is covered in rough grass.

Avant LayoutAvant Layout
Avant Layout

The smaller site to the east will include 11 semi-detached, nine terraced and seven detached houses – 14 of which will be allocated as affordable.

The larger site to the west will be made up of semi, terraced and detached properties, with 40 homes designated affordable.

Calver Close will be extended to provide access to the eastern site, and the western site will be accessed from Smithywood Lane.

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Thirty-three letters of objection have been lodged, with residents raising concerns about increased traffic, highway safety, loss of green space, lack of facilities, impact on wildlife and potential flooding.

However, the site is earmarked for housing in BMBC’s 2019 local plan.

National Highways halted the application for a number of months to investigate the impact of the homes on the road network, particularly at J37 of the M1, but were satisfied that the roads ‘would not be significantly impacted’ as a result of the development.

A transport assessment concluded that the development would generate around 30 additional vehicle movements per peak hour up to and including Junction 37 of the M1.

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Geoenvironmental specialists have concluded that shallow coal mining, of which there is evidence of on the site, ‘does not pose a significant risk of surface instability,’ following concerns around the suitability of the land for building.

If the development is approved at the next meeting of BMBC’s planning board, Avant Homes will be required to contribute more than £1m towards school places – 37 primary and 26 secondary.

A further £134,250 would be required to finance public transport improvements, and Avant would also have to provide 37 homes for affordable rent, 14 for first homes and three for ‘other affordable homes ownership’.

The development is recommended for approval.