South Yorkshire crime: Rotherham duo jailed for seven years total after throwing cocaine and heroin from car

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Two Rotherham men will spend a combined seven years behind bars after attempting to throw away £1,000 worth of Class A drugs.

Jak Shaw, aged 31, of Spa Well Crescent, Treeton and Zayne Imran, aged 20, of Canklow Road, Canklow, were travelling in an uninsured and unregistered vehicle when they ditched their stash of drugs

On October 31, 2023, officers on proactive patrol in Eastwood became suspicious of the vehicle, driven by Shaw, which failed to stop for police.

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During a short pursuit, a package of over £1,000 worth of cocaine and heroin was thrown from the car.

Shaw and Imran were arrested at the scene.

Jak ShawJak Shaw
Jak Shaw | SYP

The package was recovered, and its contents confirmed later.

Shaw pleaded guilty to possession with intent to supply cocaine and heroin and possession of a prohibited weapon.

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He was jailed for three years and two months at Sheffield Crown Court on Wednesday (June 19).

Zayne ImranZayne Imran
Zayne Imran | SYP

Imran was found guilty of possession with intent to supply cocaine and heroin at the same court on Tuesday (June 18), and sentenced to four years in prison.

Detective Sergeant Matt Barnes said: “This result was made possible by the exemplary work of our officers. It shows the importance of the proactive work carried out by the force.

“I’m pleased Shaw and Imran are now behind bars as this serves as another reminder that we will not tolerate the supplying of drugs in Rotherham and South Yorkshire.

“We will continue to pursue those dealing illegal substances in our county.”