Jack Parkin: Shoplifter banned from every Boots in Sheffield for the next five years after assaulting staff

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A man who previously assaulted a shopworker by hitting them around the head with a piece of plastic has been ordered never to enter a Boots in Sheffield for the next five years.

Jack Parkin, of Stanwell Walk, Wincobank, has been banned from entering any Boots store in Sheffield, and must also leave any retail, commercial or licensing premises if asked to do so by an owner. He is also banned from entering Tenaya Wine in Crookes.

Jack Parkin, 33, of Stanwell Walk, has been banned from entering every Boots store in Sheffield for the next five years.Jack Parkin, 33, of Stanwell Walk, has been banned from entering every Boots store in Sheffield for the next five years.
Jack Parkin, 33, of Stanwell Walk, has been banned from entering every Boots store in Sheffield for the next five years. | SYP

It comes after the 33-year-old hit a shopworker with a plastic shelf divider in January.

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Police said the 33-year-old had “proven himself to be a repeat offender” and “no one should be made to feel unsafe at work.”

On January 15, Jack Parkin was asked to leave the Boots store on West Street. As he made his way towards the exit, he hit a member of staff around the head with a plastic shelf divider.

It’s the not the first offence Parkin has committed in a Sheffield Boots. In March 2022, he beat a shop worker at chain in High Street, city centre, in a racially aggravated assault while using threatening, abusive or insulting words.

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Other previous offences including breaching a restraining order in December 2021, using threatening abusive or insulting words against a woman in December 2022, and multiple counts of shoplifting for alcohol from supermarkets and figurines from an HMV in the last three years.

In March, Parkin also stole stock worth £7.50 from an Asda store in Catch Bar Lane. He was found in possession of a class B drug upon arrest on April 23.

Extensive CCTV enquiries took place and on April 24, after pleading guilty to all three offences, Parkin was sentenced to 14 weeks in prison.

Now, after his recent release from prison, Parkin has also been handed the criminal behaviour order banning him him entering any Boots in Sheffield.

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The 33-year-old's CBO will be in force for five years. Officers can apply to the court for a CBO when dealing with people who are engaging in repeated anti-social behaviour. Once imposed, the punishment for a breach is up to five years in prison or an unlimited fine (or both) if the offender is 18 or over.

PC Tony Nicholls said: "Parkin has proven himself to be a repeat offender and his actions are completely unacceptable.

"No one should be made to feel unsafe at work and I hope this court result goes some way to showing that we will enforce robustly when businesses are unfortunately the target of criminal activity.”