Corey Rodgers: Sheffield teenager faces court with 10 burglary charges across South and West Yorkshire

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A teenager accused of burglary offences will appear in Sheffield Crown Court next month.

Corey Rodgers, aged 19, of Wordsworth Avenue, Parson Cross, was arrested by South Yorkshire Police on Monday, June 17, and has since been charged with several residential burglaries.

He has been accused of committing five burglaries in Sheffield, two in Rotherham, and three in West Yorkshire.

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Rodgers appeared at Sheffield Magistrates' Court today.Rodgers appeared at Sheffield Magistrates' Court today.
Rodgers appeared at Sheffield Magistrates' Court today.

Rodgers has also been charged with handling stolen goods and dangerous driving, with all 12 offences alleged to have taken place between April and June of this year.

Rodgers appeared before Sheffield Magistrates' Court today, Wednesday, June 19, and has been remanded in custody ahead of his next appearance before Sheffield Crown Court on July 17.