Your View: Bonfire Night

Greenhill bonfireGreenhill bonfire
Greenhill bonfire
Best ever attended bonfire

Stephen Rich

Sec Greenhill/Bradway tara


On Friday, November 2, at the transport ground Meadowhead we ran our annual bonfire, we thank you for your help, it was our best ever attended and we had 8-10 thousand visitors.

It was an amazing evening, with Farrars Funfairs and Barney Baloney and Patsy's Punch and Judy.

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Also we did free face painting and various stalls, all did well and it was a great trouble free, injury free night we had.

A special thank you to the transport club, also Batemoor tara, Jordanthorpe tara and Greenhill/Bradway tara, Farrars Funfairs and the Lottery for paying for the event to be free entry, so thank you.