Sex attack gangs could come to UK

We are now being warned that the sort of migrant sex attack gangs who caused outrage in Cologne could come to Britain under EU rules.

Migrants currently in Germany could obtain EU passports within three years, and the UK would be powerless to deny them entry, unless we leave the EU first.

A German train company has introduced women-only carriages because of sex attacks.

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The primary cheer-leader for the Remain Campaign, ‘dodgy’ Dave’ and pro-EU Star letter writers insist that we need EU membership for our security.

EU security didn’t do us much good in 2005, neither France in 2015, Belgium in 2016 or Cologne on New Year’s Eve 2015, did it?

This warning is a timely reality check.

It is becoming ever clearer that in terms of non-border controls, and non-removal of terrorist suspects, preventing undesirable elements coming to our country, national security absolutely requires that we leave the EU on June 23, 2016 and reassert our independence, sovereignty and allegiance here in the UK.

If we don’t the status quo of accepting everything EU will remain and the unelected pro-EU appeasers, do-gooders etc., will certainly continue ruling the UK, badly.

Terry Palmer

South Lea Avenue, Hoyland, Barnsley, S74