Letter: So you want some data?

A 'Save Eccy Road' poster at Banner Cross post office on Ecclesall Road - the QR code links to a petition opposing a red line route that would stop customers of businesses parking on the roadA 'Save Eccy Road' poster at Banner Cross post office on Ecclesall Road - the QR code links to a petition opposing a red line route that would stop customers of businesses parking on the road
A 'Save Eccy Road' poster at Banner Cross post office on Ecclesall Road - the QR code links to a petition opposing a red line route that would stop customers of businesses parking on the road
The Hessenbergs in their letter titled "Cities are for people", June 9, claimed the objection to red lines on Ecclesall Road "...quotes no evidence" and later says "...a great deal of evidence out there which clearly shows that customer parking is far less important.." and of course gives no references to there own data. Surprise surprise.

Let me give them some data. In the same edition of The Star, June 9, the much missed parking spaces at Broomhill shopping centre have by the councils own admission received 869 responses of which 77% were in favour of them being reinstated. This has been ignored.

The shop keepers on the complex are according to several Star articles over the last 24 months 100% in favour of them being reinstated.

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The businesses there have probably lost more than £1000 in income from my household alone in this time. The students who populate this area have limited income compared to the drivers from Fulwoods deep pockets.

So unlike the Hessenbergs I have given verified council data for and against.

The democracy generations of my family have fought for isn't the democracy either the Sheffield council or its vocal minority supporters believe in. If you dont like the parking rules then go somewhere else.

The old and disabled are being thrown to the margins along with majority consent. The sad thing is they don’t even get it.

Tony Abdy

Sheffield, S11