Letter: My choice is to go Green

Letters to editorLetters to editor
Letters to editor
We are living through times that have not been seen since the general strike of 1926.

I refer to the number and variety of workers taking industrial action.We have staff praised as heroes during the pandemic who are now seen as undeserving.

Likewise we have other key workers such as ambulance staff, teachers, rail workers, all taking action, some for the first time in their history.

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We have workers employed full-time who are dependent on food banks.

On the Calendar TV news on January 31, we were told of mothers who only have one nappy for their babies, having to use sanitary pads instead.

Teachers are responsible for educating the future generations.

Do they not warrant consideration of their grievances?

We have rail staff striking to ensure the safety of passengers who would almost certainly be at danger if guards are removed from trains.

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I have a friend who works on the railways who tells me a lot of tracks are dangerous, and they having to resort to strike action to try to protect rail passengers.

We have funding being withdrawn from organisations which provide support to those suffering from mental ill-health.

Who are the only ones not affected by this crisis? Answer: this Government of millionaires, MPs in general and the Monarchy.

We have had decades of being governed by the blue Tories and the pale pink of Labour.

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Labour are only offering piecemeal changes which will not significantly address the issues.

Isn't it time we had a change of colour?

Why not try the green of the Green Party.

Read the Green Party manifesto and I am sure you will not find anything you disagree with.

Even King Charles professed green sympathies in his younger days.

David Fox
