Letter: Address the car parking issue

New plans by Sheffield City Council would allow residents to plant flowers or install small decorative items to stop drivers parking on grass vergesNew plans by Sheffield City Council would allow residents to plant flowers or install small decorative items to stop drivers parking on grass verges
New plans by Sheffield City Council would allow residents to plant flowers or install small decorative items to stop drivers parking on grass verges
The picture of a pristine grass verge in your paper on February 16 made me think of an advertising picture, maybe to sell a house, not showing the very busy road outside or the dump it site behind.

This picture is meant to show to us how wonderful grass verges are, yes they are if grass cut regularly, mowing’s swept up, no litter, no dog fowling but also if that verge when removed and a permeable surface replaced the grass it could provide additional parking space.

By providing car parking space allowing traffic to move more smoothly less pollution is produced it also makes it safer to cross the road.

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I did have to laugh as two days after the grass verge picture was published the front page of The Star showed many trees blown down by storm Otto causing mayhem and damage.

Trees though wonderful should not be planted on grass verges and at the sides of roads their roots damage pavements and roads proving a nightmare for those with limited sight, prams and wheelchair users.

It is five decades ago that the council started trying to make people abandon their cars and as we know they haven’t succeeded, not only has the population increased thereby increasing the number of cars but we all travel further to work, to shop and are often a distant from our families so instead of blocking roads and putting in unused cycle lanes money should be spent on helping traffic to move better and more safely.

Address the car parking issue would make a huge difference, plans should only be passed if a minimum of two parking spaces are planned, making it illegal to park caravans, motor homes and large vans on drives meaning the residents cars are then parked on streets.

As we move towards electric cars the pollution argument will diminish so blocking roads to make people walk or use cycles is a pointless and costly argument.

S Thompson


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