Adam & Eve

Adam & EveAdam & Eve
Adam & Eve
Looking back in time it makes one think about all the old masters, artists, Gainsborough, Turner, Constable, and composers, Elgar, Bach, Puccini, just to mention a few, were all male.

So in their day was it about men being the major bread winner and women took a minor role?

But with responsibility for his and the family’ wellbeing, it seemed to be the answer to male and female positions in life.

Unlike these days where both genders want to be top dog.

Well I Adam and Eve it, believe it.

EB Warris

Sheffield, S14

You may be mistaken

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It is very decent of Mr Olsen to propose to put to bed the furore caused by the recent publication of racist sentiments in The Star.

I am sure that we are all very grateful to him for taking charge of this matter.

To support his intent he quotes George Orwell.

I wonder if Mr Olsen could oblige myself and others by explaining the mental gymnastics by which he is able to conclude that the author of Burmese Days would approve of his name being used to justify the right to racism?

Does he really think that saying skin colour should be a determinant of eligibility to hold a public office is simply an example of ‘telling people what they do not want to hear’?

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Rather puts it on a par with a bad weather forecast for the weekend.

May I propose a quote for you to mull over.

Oliver Cromwell this time. ‘I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be mistaken’.

Stephen Crowther

Greystones, Sheffield

Welcome to the club

I see in The Star, June 7, that double yellow lines are to be placed around Rivelin Primary school, and some of the locals are not happy.

It’s understandable as there have been letters of complaints from residents around various other schools with parking problems, and the disregard for yellow lines, so they will probably think the lines are pointless.

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People around our school have written to The Star about the blatant illegal parking, but it’s like banging your head against a brick wall with this council.

The lines which are around our school were also supposedly about safety too, but in fact they have become nothing more than a problem to residents, while the illegal parkers don’t seem to get bothered at all.

You see, at our school, if you have a medical, or business appointment or whatever, which through no fault of your own means you have to leave home somewhere between 2.15pm and 3.15pm, then the only way you can be sure of being able to do so is to put your vehicle on the road before the illegal-parking parents arrive and block your driveway.

However, when we spoke to a police officer outside the school one day, he told us that we would be ticketed just like anyone else.

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Brilliant, you put your car out once because you need to, and could get booked.

Meanwhile, daily illegal parkers can do it 250 times a year and get away with it.

My driveway today was blocked by illegally parked cars on yellow lines between 2.20pm and 3.15pm.

It’s now just before 3.45pm, which is within the restricted parking period, and it’s blocked again.

So exactly who is benefitting from the yellow lines?

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It’s certainly not the residents, and how is ignoring the lines improving child safety?

The Star quoted a highways officer as saying:“The disruption will be minimal, and Rivelin School will be safer and more pleasant for pedestrians and increase the visibility near the school gates.”

If that’s the case, why isn’t it working like that around the other schools with parking problems that have been highlighted in The Star so many times?

The “good news” for those living near Rivelin School who will be inconvenienced by the new lines is that, like the rest of us, they will have paid for the paint and the labour to put these lines down, knowing full well that no one is going to do anything about those who continue to park illegally.

Welcome to the club.

S Collins

Shiregreen, S5

Can all bus firms do it?

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I keep getting messages from First bus to stay with them but after a recent visit to the Northern General hospital with my wife First bus will be lucky if I travel with them again.

Both of us have bus passes and were told that if you had a hospital visit and you produced the appointment letter to the bus driver, the person who has the appointment could use their bus pass.

Obviously with it being the wife who had the appointment I knew I would have to pay full price, so we got on the First 120 service about 8.15am and produced the letter only to be told, no mate both got to pay full price, so that’s £2 each to start with.

In town for the connecting bus, the number 1 service run by Stagecoach,we produced the letter once again and were told that’s OK mate your wife can use her bus pass but you will have to pay. I expected this so well done Stagecoach.

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If one bus company can offer this service why not the other?

They would rather see buses run empty than give concessions.

While in the hospital one person was asked when she would like her next appointment to which she replied, “when I can use my bus pass?”

Would it hurt First bus company’s profits to allow the elderly to use passes for such appointments?

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To me it makes no sense because the same people who would like to get these visits done early still use the passes after 9.30am.

Ever since the times were changed from 9am when passes could be used you see people waiting until 9.30am and bus after bus going past either empty or with one or two people on.

Come on First bus company show us how much you appreciate people’s custom.

Dave Mitchell

Sheffield, S12

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