Classic comedy at stately home theatre

Chatsworth Players perform Charley's AuntChatsworth Players perform Charley's Aunt
Chatsworth Players perform Charley's Aunt
Chatsworth Players are on a mission to cheer everyone up in these turbulent times by staging the evergreen comedy Charley’s Aunt.

Director Lindsay Jackson said: “We looked at about half-a-dozen Ealing-style comedies but we finally decided that Charley’s Aunt was just the sort of gentle, light and funny offering that we all need at the moment. It’s funny in a Jeeves and Wooster sort of way, a real antidote to our cares and woes!”

None of the players actually comes from Chatsworth – they are all key members of dramatic societies in a dozen or so towns and villages within a radius of about 15 miles.

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Lindsay said: “Using ambitious actors from other amateur groups enables us to tackle more challenging productions, perhaps with larger casts, than most villages could manage.”

The title role will be taken on by Peter Wilmot, of Tansley, a founding member of the society who has played key roles in many of its productions over the past 12 years.

The play will be staged on June 19 to 22 at the intimate theatre at Chatsworth House, with a celebratory black-tie dinner before the Saturday performance.


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