Thief snared after leaving fingerprints on torch he used in South Yorkshire shop burglaries

Kevin HancockKevin Hancock
Kevin Hancock
A thief who stole more than £10,000 worth of cash and cigarettes was caught after leaving DNA at the scene.

Kevin Hancock, of no fixed abode, was sentenced to three years in prison after raiding two stores in Rotherham.

The convictions relate to incidents in May this year where Hancock stole cigarettes and cash from the till of one premise and a safe and cigarettes from another.

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The total amount of cash stolen was around £5,400 and around £6,000 of cigarettes.

DNA from a torch left at the scene and CCTV footage linked Hancock directly to the crimes.

Detective Constable Janine Broughton, leading the investigation, said: “I am pleased that Hancock has received a custodial sentence for carrying out these burglaries.

“We cannot underestimate the impact of being a victim of burglary on individuals as well as businesses and I hope this sentencing gives some comfort to those affected.”

Hancock was found guilty at Sheffield Crown Court on Wednesday 13 September of two counts of burglary.