Don’t forget to register to vote in Sheffield’s local election – the deadline is near...

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People across Sheffield who want to have a say in upcoming elections must register by the deadline, 11.59pm on April 12.

If you live in Sheffield, it’s your democratic right to vote for who you want to represent you as your local councillor, on Thursday, May 2, 2019.

But anyone who is not registered will not be able to vote.

It is only necessary to register once, but you must register again if you’ve changed your address, your name or your nationality.

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Sheffield City Council advises not to leave registering to the last minute.

If you are registered to vote, you should have received your poll card in the post. If it hasn’t arrived, it may mean you will need to register.

And if you will be away on polling day, May 2, make sure you have applied to vote by post or by proxy.

The deadline for receipt of your completed postal vote application, or to change an existing proxy or postal voting arrangement, is 5pm on Monday, April 15.

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An application for a new proxy voting arrangement must be received by 5pm on Wednesday, April 24,

Returning Officer John Mothersole said: “It is important that people across the city use their right to vote and ensure that they are able to vote on polling day.

“I would appeal to everyone to make sure they have received their polling card, or have taken the necessary steps to ensure they can vote on May 2, whether that’s checking if they’re registered, applying for a postal vote or arranging a proxy vote.

“Registering to vote is quick and easy. People just need their National Insurance number, date of birth and address to hand.

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“This election day people have the opportunity to make their vote count. Don’t lose the chance to have your say.”

To find out more about the Sheffield local election, different ways to vote and registering, visit