Deep Pits

Deep pitsDeep pits
Deep pits
Areas of Sheffield you may never have heard of, (online feature).

Picture no. 12; it may see “Deep Pit” on the map but it’s actually ‘Deep Pits’. My dad lived there at 698 City Road, as did my grandparents and my great aunt lived at 696.

R Laughton

Sheffield, S61

Mayoral elections

So I finally got round to reading the booklet regarding the mayoral election.

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A few observations. Most candidates could have swapped statements, and we the voters would not notice. I fear that at least one candidate is campaigning on a stance which is sadly irrelevant as the remit of the mayor will not cover the valid and obviously sincere concerns of said candidate .

It seems that many of the candidates have lifted the explanation on page three of what the mayor’s job will be and made this their mission statement. Is this laziness, lack of imagination, lack of space to elaborate ,or simply that no- one yet knows , what “good looks like”?

A depressing mirror of our current experience of brexit.

Finally as one of those people who reads all the credits at the cinema, I note with interest that on the back cover we are assured that the booklet has been published by the returning officer, as is right and proper, but why does a public document, proporting to aid decision-making leading to increased economic prospects specifically for our region, have to be printed in Huddesfield!

Are there no printers in South Yorkshire?

I hope that whoever gains the post will ensure that such shots in feet are eradicated swiftly.

John B Scattergood

Totley Grange Drive, S17

Missed appointments

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I think patients should be fined for not attending their appointments unless there is a very good reason as it’s a huge problem that affects other patients who could have the appointment and a knock on effect on services and costs to the NHS.

Dentists charge and if patients knew they were going to be fined they might act a lot more responsibly.

People complain about waiting for appointments while others abuse the system.

Something needs to be done urgently for the sake of patients who attend their appointments and the finances of the NHS.

Joyce Justice

Sheffield, S12

Children and gangs

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Firstly I don’t expect to see my letter published in The Star as it may not fit with the city of refuges political eye.

However having been born in Sheffield in the 50s and having seen so much change I hold a valid opinion that criminal gangs and gun and knife crime have risen due to the influx of foreign nationals into my home town.

It’s synonyms with the Epedemuc epedemic of crime throughout all our major cities.

First we had the grooming gangs now it’s drugs knives acid and guns.

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This on the heels of sex workers being trafficked into our city.

I worked closely with the police under operation Apollo as a drugs alcohol and mental health support worker.

I have seen the rise and even though we had TREND Gangs such as Mods n Rockers and Skins in the 50s 60s 70s this is another level entirely as its the influx of so called migrants many who come from Apex Criminal Gangs in their own countries only to carry it on here where our laws are much softer.

Drugs were around as a fad in the 90s but again this is now a organised criminal business across the UK.

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My opinion, much based on my own working experiences as well as my life views may not fit with the views of many today.

I can only say watch this space because its only going to get worse.

P Hirst

Hartopp Rd, Sheffield, S2

A pitiful sight

On my way to the camera shop on London Road, Sharrow, at about lunchtime, April 19, a man lying sprawled out on the pavement. He was a pitiful sight. A discarded sock lay nearby and an empty cider bottle. Okay, he was drunk, but he was a human being, someone’s son, brother, maybe father. And he looked very unwell.

People continued to walk past blithely. Maybe they saw him as scum, unworthy of attention, his condition self-inflicted. He’d made his own bed, if indeed he has one! He should be left to just sleep it off, or perhaps they didn’t want to get involved, or feared for their safety thinking he’d suddenly spring to life and go for them if they tried to intervene. They could’ve been afraid of getting an earful from the already overstretched emergency services if they rang them for someone who was “just drunk”, or maybe they had to go back to work or for an appointment. The list goes on. Anyway, I was not willing to let the poor man go unattended and nor were two ladies in Sheffield City Council t-shirts (well done them!) who came to his aid, and, once he was sitting up, said they’d report the situation and take it from there. I told them I was concerned he may have a head injury as his head was squashed against the wall of the Italian restaurant he was lying outside. Could he have possibly avoided banging his head as he fell so close to the wall? They assured me there was no blood, however, and didn’t believe any head injury was an issue. Anyway, they had to get back to work, and being in poor health and a carer (and therefore not being able to stay out for long) I had to get home. I kept an eye on him as I sat at the bus stop. He passed out again, then sat up again. He didn’t look good either way.

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That night his image still haunted me. Not just the indignity and degradation, but worries for his safety and that of others in the same predicament. What should I do if faced with such a situation again and no one else bothers to offer any help?

While there is alcohol, people are going to get drunk. You can’t tell them not to! People who are ill will get ill in public too, even if alcohol is not involved. If you report everyone you see in an inebriated state, the NHS and the police would have no time for anything else, but if someone seems profoundly ill or in danger, then I’ll be reaching for my mobile, especially if no one else is appearing to take command. Better to be safe than sorry, I guess!

CM Langan


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