Sheffield community unites to raise money for funeral of boys killed in Shiregreen

Flowers outside a house on Gregg House Road in SheffieldFlowers outside a house on Gregg House Road in Sheffield
Flowers outside a house on Gregg House Road in Sheffield
A Sheffield community has united in grief to raise money for the funeral of two teenage boys killed in Shiregreen.

Blake Barrass, aged 14 and Tristan Barass, 13, were taken to hospital following an incident at a house on Gregg House Road, at around 7:30am last Friday, but later died.

Four other children – who cannot be named for legal reasons – were also taken to hospital, but have since been released.

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The incident sent shock waves through the Shiregreen community, who have now rallied to raise funds towards a funeral for the teenagers.

Flowers outside a house on Gregg House Road in SheffieldFlowers outside a house on Gregg House Road in Sheffield
Flowers outside a house on Gregg House Road in Sheffield

A fundraising bucket has now been set up at the One Stop store, in Hatfield House Lane, asking people to support the family at this sad time.

One Stop worker Jordan Frith, explained the fundraiser had been set up by a colleague who had been in touch with the boys’ family.

He said: “Everyone is just up in the air, it has ruined everybody.

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“We’ve had over 100 people coming in and asking if there is a collection going on. Everyone is just shocked, just the stuff you hear – it is not something you’d expect.”

Flowers outside a house on Gregg House Road in SheffieldFlowers outside a house on Gregg House Road in Sheffield
Flowers outside a house on Gregg House Road in Sheffield

Around £117 has been raised since the fundraiser began, with many people getting in touch on social media asking how they can donate.

A date for the funeral has not yet been set but Mr Frith said all money raised will be sent to the family beforehand.

Post mortem examinations have been carried out but the results have not been released by detectives for ‘operational reasons’.

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Sarah Barrass, 34, of Gregg House Road, Shiregreen and 37-year-old Brandon Machin, of no fixed abode, both appeared at Sheffield Crown Court today accused of murder.

Flowers outside a house on Gregg House Road in Sheffield where two teenagers were found dead. Picture Scott MerryleesFlowers outside a house on Gregg House Road in Sheffield where two teenagers were found dead. Picture Scott Merrylees
Flowers outside a house on Gregg House Road in Sheffield where two teenagers were found dead. Picture Scott Merrylees

The pair have been remanded into custody and will next appear in court on June 21.

Barrass is also accused of three counts of attempted murder against two other children.

A sea of floral tributes have been left outside the house on Gregg House Road.

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A High Court injunction banning the identification of the other four children covers social media comments, photographs or anything else that could lead to their identification.

Flowers outside a house on Gregg House Road in Sheffield where two teenagers were found dead. Picture Scott MerryleesFlowers outside a house on Gregg House Road in Sheffield where two teenagers were found dead. Picture Scott Merrylees
Flowers outside a house on Gregg House Road in Sheffield where two teenagers were found dead. Picture Scott Merrylees

South Yorkshire Police has warned that those who name the youngsters could be charged with contempt of court.

Please do not comment at all in any context about any other children who may have been involved in this incident.