Brave three-year-old Sheffield boy Jack Lacey has just months to live - and his heartbroken parents need YOUR help to make them extra special

Jack Lacey with his dad, Wesley; mum, Rebecca and sister, CharlotteJack Lacey with his dad, Wesley; mum, Rebecca and sister, Charlotte
Jack Lacey with his dad, Wesley; mum, Rebecca and sister, Charlotte
The devastated parents of a three-year-old Sheffield boy with just months to live are raising money to fill the rest of his short life with joy.

Jack Lacey, from Loxley, has an incurable brain tumour and his parents have been given the tragic news that he has between just six months and a year left to live.

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Jack Lacey with his dad, Wesley; mum, Rebecca and sister, CharlotteJack Lacey with his dad, Wesley; mum, Rebecca and sister, Charlotte
Jack Lacey with his dad, Wesley; mum, Rebecca and sister, Charlotte

Wesley Lacey, 28 and Rebecca Oldham, 29, said they are ‘completely heartbroken’ but determined to fill the rest of their son’s life with happy times.

An online Go Fund Me page has already raised £9,000 for the brave little boy, who is due to begin an intensive course of intense radiation and chemotherapy treatment in a bid to shrink his tumour and prolong his life later this month.

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Terminally ill Jack Lacey and his sister CharlotteTerminally ill Jack Lacey and his sister Charlotte
Terminally ill Jack Lacey and his sister Charlotte

His illness was diagnosed and the prognosis provided in the space of just four weeks after the youngster started displaying symptoms.

In a moving post on their fundraising page, which was launched last weekend, the distraught parents said: “The tumour he has is a known fast, aggressive killer. It’s a very rare one that has no known cause and often doesn't show symptoms until it’s too late, as it has with us. “Our Jack, our beautiful little boy, has this rare tumour and there's no chance of operating and treatment will only stall the growth of this tumour.”

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They described Jack as ‘amazing, charming, brave, independent and strong willed’.

The couple said: “He is our little boy and we never thought in a million years that we'd have him taken from us. How we feel is truly beyond words. “If we have to accept this crazy, monstrous news, if we have to gulp down our insane amount of tears, anger, heartbreak, grief, then we need to make sure that this bright, intelligent young boy gets the send off that he deserves. “Our little boy deserves to spend as many days as he can, enjoying what time he has left and as you can imagine, we all had so many plans.

Jack Lacey with his parents Wesley and RebeccaJack Lacey with his parents Wesley and Rebecca
Jack Lacey with his parents Wesley and Rebecca

“Day trips out, holidays, presents, meals out, the first time to the cinema, a dog. This goes on. We can’t believe we’re even having to think about these things, let alone plan them. The worst of all...his funeral.”

Jack’s proud parents added: “Jack has always been a leader, a fighter, so, so bright, funny and really loving.

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“His biggest passion has been his bicycle, which he has ridden pretty much every day and taken everywhere since being one.

“He never stops talking, joking and will play his little heart out - even when sick, as we have recently seen.

Jack Lacey has been given between six months and a year to liveJack Lacey has been given between six months and a year to live
Jack Lacey has been given between six months and a year to live

“He will be missed beyond words.” They said any money raised will be used to ‘hopefully take his mind off the pain he is in and the troubles he is currently facing’.

The family plans to buy Jack a dog and take him on trips to 'make him happy’. His parents added: “As a family we’re very much like many other people, only just breaking even every month. We have nothing to give and without support we would just have to carry on with our tight budget and do whatever we can that are very low cost or free.

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“It would literally mean the world to us if were given the chance to give our baby a life to remember in his last months.

“We’re in so much shock and still haven’t got our heads around the news. We still feel it’s a bad dream that we will wake up from, that the doctors must have got it wrong or somehow showed us the wrong scans.

“We’re horrified and are trying our best to hold it all together.”

They said their two year-old daughter, Charlotte, has seen her mum and dad’s ‘pain, hurt and tears’ and ‘deserves also to have a break from all of this’.

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Jack Lacey in happier timesJack Lacey in happier times
Jack Lacey in happier times

The couple added: “Jack is her big brother, she looks up to him, she loves his, cares for him and has no idea what is or about to happen.

“All of our worlds are upside down and this support would mean everything too us. “Support, as you can imagine, is quite urgent and all funds that are raised will go toward making Jack’s life as bright as possible for the remainder or whatever time he has left starting from right now.”

Jack’s dad said: “It is your worst nightmare. It’s what you read about as happening to other families.

“When we think about him not being with us you just break down. His mum is completely broke into pieces, we both are but trying to raise this money for him is giving me a focus otherwise I would just sit and cry.

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“It is overwhelming how much support there is for Jack. We are proud and have never had to ask for help before and it is hard to accept it, but even though Jack would be happy doing things that a free, such as a walk in the woods to play with stick men, he deserves the chance to experience all these other things that he doesn’t even know exist yet and this money will help with that.”

Any unspent donations will be sent to The Sick Children’s Trust, which has helped Jack’s family with accommodation costs while was recently in hospital.

Click HERE to donate.