Star man Tim feeling Peakey ... and some out of this world stats

Star man Tim PeakeStar man Tim Peake
Star man Tim Peake
After seeing stars for six months, Brit astronaut Tim Peake is suffering the 'world's worst hangover'.

The man who fell to earth now faces three weeks' rehab at European Astronaut Centre, where he today gives his first press conference since Saturday's landing.

Fresh-ish from the tiny Soyuz descent module, measuring just over 1.8 metres across, his Cologne debrief involves medical tests aplenty and strict exercise regime.

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Physical and psychological effects include hangover-like dizziness, fuzzy head and inability to walk for several days.

While our inter-steller hero recovers, here's a few out of this world facts to consider.

25 times the speed of sound: The velocity at which Major Peake plunged back to Earth as he made his descent from the ISS.

186: The number of days Tim spent on the Principia mission.

8,000: The number of applicants he beat to get into space, all of whom responded to a European Space Agency Internet ad asking ‘do you want to be an astronaut?’.

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Three hours, 35 minutes and 21 seconds: The time it took Tim to run the 2016 London Marathon’s 26.2 miles on a treadmill aboard International Space Station. This saw him become the first ever man to run a marathon in space.

8: When he headed skyward back in December, Tim became the eighth Briton to go into space.

1,672,203: The number of social media followers Tim has across Twitter, Facebook, Flickr and Instagram.

$150bn: The cost of the International Space Station. Travelling at an average speed of 17,100 mph, Tim called the ISS home for the past six months.