Sheffield community club's Tramlines event in doubt as police raise concerns after double stabbing

Police on the Wicker after the stabbings on July 2.Police on the Wicker after the stabbings on July 2.
Police on the Wicker after the stabbings on July 2.
Police hope to prevent a Sheffield social club outside which two men were recently stabbed from hosting an event during Tramlines.

The Sheffield and District African Caribbean Community Association has applied to Sheffield Council for a temporary event licence for the music festival weekend.

The group - known as Sadacca - wants to serve alcohol and stage entertainment at its social club on the Wicker from July 21 to 23.

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Sadacca secretary Olivier Tsemo and chairman Rob Cotterell.Sadacca secretary Olivier Tsemo and chairman Rob Cotterell.
Sadacca secretary Olivier Tsemo and chairman Rob Cotterell.

The social club is just one element of Sadacca, which provides a range of community services such as adult education, childcare and lunch clubs for the elderly. It also has links with Sheffield Hallam University and Jobcentre Plus.

Organisers described the Tramlines event, which would run from midday to 8pm, as 'family-friendly'.

But police have urged councillors not to allow it because of a recent violent attack that took place nearby.

The application will be considered tomorrow.

Sadacca on the Wicker.Sadacca on the Wicker.
Sadacca on the Wicker.

A spokesman for South Yorkshire Police said: "On Sunday, July 2, two men suffered stab wounds during an altercation that is believed to have started inside Sadacca on the Wicker, Sheffield, before the altercation is alleged to have continued outside on the street. "Thirty-seven-year-old O’Niel Orville Josephs, of Lowedges Road, Sheffield, and 35-year-old Dwayne Carl Satchell, of Park Spring Road, Sheffield, have both been charged with attempted murder in relation to this."Due to the serious nature of this incident, South Yorkshire Police are objecting to a proposed temporary event notice at the club, during Tramlines festival next weekend. "As people have been charged in relation to this incident and due to the ongoing licensing hearing, it would be inappropriate for us to comment further at this time.

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"However, our licensing department and the licensing authority continue to work closely with the management of the club to address specific concerns around public safety."

Sadacca chairman Rob Cotterell questioned whether the group was being 'singled out for a rather heavy response' - particularly as the event linked to the violence was a private function, and the attack happened out on the street.

The attack happened at about 3am, he said, while the Tramlines event would finish at 8pm and would be 'family-friendly'.

Sadacca secretary Olivier Tsemo and chairman Rob Cotterell.Sadacca secretary Olivier Tsemo and chairman Rob Cotterell.
Sadacca secretary Olivier Tsemo and chairman Rob Cotterell.

And Rob said the stabbings could have happened anywhere in the city centre.

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"It's about being fair and proportional, taking all the facts into consideration," he said.

Sadacca is holding a fundraiser for itself and the victims of the Grenfell Tower fire with pay-as-you-feel food and entertainment tomorrow evening.