'Circular economy will help us tackle climate change,' claim Sheffield councillors

Coun Martin SmithCoun Martin Smith
Coun Martin Smith
Councillors have called for a ‘circular economy’ to help prevent waste and tackle environmental issues.

Councillor Martin Smith said the city could have a ‘huge and positive’ role to play in the transition to a less wasteful society if they implemented the model and has put forward a motion to full council calling for them to take steps towards it.

A ‘circular economy’ is the opposite of the traditional linear economy which sees things made, used and disposed of. It aims to keep resources in use for as long as possible then recover and regenerate products at the end of their life.

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Coun Smith said a “prime example” of this was the upcoming EU ‘right to repair’ legislation which will require manufacturers to design longer-lasting products and make spare parts readily available in a push to reduce waste and increase opportunities for small businesses in the after-sales support sector.

He is now urging the council to consult with local universities, charities and organisations that have experience with delivering circular economy projects. Areas he suggested focusing on included refill schemes for all food and drink containers, ‘evidence of environmental improvement’ requirement for all businesses and organisations asking for grant funding from the council and a study into the potential benefits of the approach for the city. The motion will be seconded by Coun Smith's Liberal Democrat colleague Coun Ian Auckland and is being debated at a full council meeting today.