Dementia charity Lost Chord puts out urgent volunteer appeal

Released on behalf of Lost Chord by John Highfield PRReleased on behalf of Lost Chord by John Highfield PR
Released on behalf of Lost Chord by John Highfield PR
A South Yorkshire dementia charity is looking for new volunteers as it prepares for its musical return to the region’s care homes.

Lost Chord provides interactive musical experiences for people living with dementia in care homes and day centres both locally and nationally.

But the young professional musicians who play and sing for their audience also need the support of enthusiastic volunteers.

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Chief Executive Helena Muller said volunteers did not need a knowledge of music or the ability to play an instrument.

"All you need to bring with you is a desire to help improve the quality of life of one of the most vulnerable people in society.

“To observe people who are withdrawn and isolated come out of their shell and engage with the music, by singing and dancing is tangible, powerful and emotional for all to see.

“Although we are very much aware that sessions might be very different for the time being as a result of Covid-19, we still need the volunteer support that makes such an important difference and we look forward to hearing from anybody who feels thy would enjoy being part of this great musical experience.”

To find out more about Lost Chord volunteering opportunities visit