I’m not wishing it away...

Baby Blog
Francesca NaylorBaby Blog
Francesca Naylor
Baby Blog Francesca Naylor
This week I read a great blog titled “Looking forward to, not wishing away”.

In it, the author talks about how as parents we are told all the time to “cherish every moment” and “make the most of it” that soon they will be grown up and we’ll miss the days when our little ones needed us so much.

She mentions the fact that these words of positive intent are usually during a screaming fit or mid clean-up of some sort of nappy/milk/bogey explosion and are of course meant in the kindest sense.

But do we, as parents, have to love every single minute?

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I’m only five months in so haven’t yet begun to experience the tantrums and tempers that toddler-hood brings but already there have been periods and phases that I have wished would hurry along a little quicker.

Yes, I’m never going to experience the first six weeks of Poppy’s little life again.

But does that mean I should have enjoyed the mind-numbing tiredness, broken sleep and baby blues that those early weeks brought?

The nights with my hormones still all over the place while I sat sobbing over my tiny baby that would feed for hours on end whilst I desperately needed a wee and my cup of tea sat just out of arms reach.

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