“No work undertaken” on Sheffield pavement parking ban announced last year

A pedestrian risks injury after a lorry parked on the pavement in Hillsborough forces him to squeeze past on the roadA pedestrian risks injury after a lorry parked on the pavement in Hillsborough forces him to squeeze past on the road
A pedestrian risks injury after a lorry parked on the pavement in Hillsborough forces him to squeeze past on the road
A pavement parking ban in Sheffield hasn’t been enforced despite council chiefs unveiling it seven months ago.

Videos show a number of cars and lorries parked on pavements, causing a danger to pedestrians and other drivers, despite the council vowing to fine motorists.

In one video uploaded by pedestrian Matt Turner, a huge lorry completely blocks the pavement in Hillsborough forcing elderly people, women with prams and other people to either squeeze past or walk in the road.

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A pedestrian risks injury after a lorry parked on the pavement in Hillsborough forces him to squeeze past on the roadA pedestrian risks injury after a lorry parked on the pavement in Hillsborough forces him to squeeze past on the road
A pedestrian risks injury after a lorry parked on the pavement in Hillsborough forces him to squeeze past on the road

A woman with a small child and a pushchair angrily confronts the lorry drivers after she has to walk in the path of oncoming traffic. The person filming the video puts his hand up to stop cars so the woman and child can pass safely.

Another pedestrian narrowly escapes injury after he has to dodge between the lorry and a passing bus.

Last June, Coun Jack Scott, cabinet member for transport, announced plans to fine motorists who park on pavements and create a danger.

But a Freedom of Information request has found the council has not – and is not – pursuing the new legislation.

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A woman with a pram is forced into the road because cars are parked along the pavement at West BarA woman with a pram is forced into the road because cars are parked along the pavement at West Bar
A woman with a pram is forced into the road because cars are parked along the pavement at West Bar

Dexter Johnstone asked the council what was happening with the proposed citywide pavement parking ban. He attached a story from a newspaper outlining the plans.

The FOI reply said: “The article suggests we are far more advanced than we in fact are. At this point only the intention to investigate a possible restriction has been identified.

“Beyond the production of the parking strategy, no work has been or is currently being undertaken on the actions relating to footway parking.

“Consequently, we don’t have any further information on this proposal, except the reference in the parking strategy. The matter hasn’t been, and isn’t being, actively pursued.”

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Coun Scott was unavailable for comment. Mr Johnstone said he was disappointed the ban hadn’t been enforced.

He said: “Pavement parking is inconsiderate and often dangerous and it is an issue which affects many communities in Sheffield.

“The introduction of a citywide pavement parking ban by the council sounded like a very positive move which is why it is so disappointing to discover that no work has actually been done on the issue.

“I hope this year the council will take some action on the problem and if a citywide ban is too difficult to introduce in one go then introduce restrictions in the worst affected areas of Sheffield instead of doing nothing.”

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