Grenfell Tower fire death toll rises to 79

Grenfell TowerGrenfell Tower
Grenfell Tower
The number of people killed in last week's fire at Grenfell Tower in London now stands at 79, police have revealed this morning.

Metropolitan Police Commander Stuart Cundy told a press conference that the number of people killed could change still further.

He said: "I believe there may be people who were in Grenfell Tower that people may not know are missing and may not have realised they were in there on the night.

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"Equally, there may be people who thankfully managed to escape the fire and for whatever reason have not let their family and friends know that they are safe."

"The awful reality is, as I've said before, is that due to the intensity of the fire and the devastation within Grenfell Tower that we may not be able to identify everybody that died.

"We have been from the top to the bottom of Grenfell Tower.

"The search operation will be painstaking and having been in there myself it's really hard to describe the devastation that the fire has caused."

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