Flytipping rubbish

Waste fly-tippingWaste fly-tipping
Waste fly-tipping
I pass by on Herries Road to attend the Northern General Hospital weekly and regularly see rubbish and furniture that has been dumped at the top of the Blyde Road short stay car park at Fir Vale.

This has been going on for a very long time now, as soon as one lot is cleared another lot appears. Today there was a settee, carpets and several bags of rubbish dumped there.

There was more when I came away from the hospital than when I went to the hospital so it must also be being dumped in broad daylight. Often there are also bags or rubbish dumped on the corner opposite, (Conningsby Road). I do report it each time either via [email protected] by email or via

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But why should this keep on happening so frequently? This is a particularly bad spot for dumping but it does also happen all around Fir Vale, Page Hall and Firth Park. The more responsible of us deal with our own removal of furniture or bulky items etc. either by going to the Recycling sites ourselves or by paying for the removal of such items when we buy new as most good companies will remove bulky items for a charge. We pay full Council tax so are sick and tired of the people who act so irresponsibly.

Come on Sheffield Council, you know the spots where rubbish is regularly being dumped, get it sorted as Sheffield is fast becoming one large rubbish dump in certain areas. You are losing all credibility with your view of educating the people. Get real, catch them and get them prosecuted, no excuses from them or from you.



Trees can be replanted

Given the number of letters in this paper over the last two weeks about the trees fiasco I am left wondering why this amount of energy and correspondence cannot be generated in defence of the NHS?

The NHS is crisis, almost terminal crisis, due entirely to a deliberate strategy of de-funding and ruthless reorganisation by Jeremy Hunt and Simon Stevens to privatise it.

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It is what we, in Africa, called the strategy of the hyena, where one attacks the face of the buffalo while the others tear out lumps of flesh so that while it is being distracted by the frontal attack (Hunt) it is bleeding to death from the constant sniping (Stevens). It is a slow, agonising, but inevitable death, unless the rest of the herd pays attention and comes to the rescue.

That dear Sheffield citizen is you! But you are not paying attention, yet, and the day you have to put your hand in your pocket to pay for your child’s treatment, you will deeply regret it. And then, you probably blame the overworked health “NHS” staff for your plight. At the Totley hustings in the last election there was not a single question, not one(!) about the NHS. And because of this Hunt continues to destroy our greatest institution.

I can only beg you to challenge the NHS leaders in Sheffield to say no to Hunt’s destructive demands, and to demand that our own MPs take a stand for our NHS and for good of Sheffield.

The trees can be replanted, but the NHS will never recover unless we revolt, NOW.

John Carlisle

Dover Road, Sheffield, S11

White boys performance

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It’s not always the fault of white boys not performing well in their education, a big problem for some of these boys is the total dis-interest of some of the parents, I can only comment on what I’ve seen and what I know.

I’ve seen children come home from school, then it’s straight outside or on their play stations while their parents just smoke, drink and watch tv, the parents just don’t care just what happens to their children’s education.

I have four grandchildren, the eldest now 26, attended University, obtained a degree and is now working as a graphic designer, his two cousins are at University at the moment, they are brother and sister, Pheobe is studying to be a primary teacher, which I know she will succeed, her brother Joe, is studying to be an accountant and he is doing well, their father has brought them up as a single parent after their mother decided she wanted to go to pastures new, my son has done fantastic without her, his children prove it, he took an interest in all aspects of their education, in fact he even taught Phoebe how to tile!

My youngest grandaughter Niamh, is also doing great at St Mary’s High School in Chesterfield, her mum and dad again take an interest in all aspects of her education and I’ve no doubt that she will sail through University and will achieve everything she sets out to do, she’s just 14.

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So I feel very sorry for the children who think it’s great not to have parents who support them in all school activities, yet the immigrants are hell bent on getting the best education for their children because they know to get ahead in this world, education is the sound basis you build on. I’ve seen children in pubs at 11pm wanting to go home but their parents want one more drink and they know the next day is a school day.


by email

I can’t solve the crisis

Maybe I should have given away the food in my bags to the lady on the bus, was I mean for not doing so?

Me giving my groceries to one person will not solve the crisis of people being hungry.

I have given to a foodbank this weekend, I gave more than teabags.

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I donated several coats to the homeless shelter, I own more than one coat I am very lucky and we collected over 20 boxes for the Christmas shoe box appeal, it’s not much and it won’t make much of a indentation in this crisis of people suffering but all we can do is try to to do a little bit to help.

Jayne Grayson

by email

Jared O’Mara

Following reporting in last week’s Star, we are concerned about the potential impact on local residents of Jared O’Mara’s c0mmitment to his regular parliamentary duties.

In particular, many vulnerable people rely on their local MP to help them address problems with benefits, immigration, housing and many other issues.

Especially at Christmas, it’s vital that people have access to this service.

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I’ll be working with the Liberal Democrat Councillors for the area and will hold regular advice surgeries across Sheffield Hallam to help people with issues they would normally take to their MP.

The first advice surgery will be held at the Totley Library at 6pm on Monday 11th December, with a further surgery at Ecclesall Library at 1pm-2pm on Thursday 14th December.

Further dates in the New Year will be published on the Sheffield Liberal Democrat website ( and my Facebook page (

Laura Gordon

Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Spokesperson for Sheffield Hallam

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